


Dementia is a loss of brain function that affects memory, thinking and behavior and is common in old age.

500 Questions

How can the impact of the physical social and emotional aspects of the environment be reduced in people with dementia?

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To reduce the impact of physical, social, and emotional aspects of the environment on people with dementia, consider creating a calm and familiar environment, minimize noise and clutter, provide clear signage, ensure adequate lighting, offer opportunities for social interaction, and show empathy and understanding towards their emotions and needs. Additionally, providing activities that promote engagement and meaningful connections can also help reduce the negative impact of the environment on individuals with dementia.

What is psychosis dementia?

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Dementia is a somewhat obsolescent, ( late thirties vogue) catch-all term for mental illness and means ( Out of the Mind)- lit. there was a sort of maxim or slogan: Ex Luna, Dementia, From the Moon, Dementia- or madness. The term is rarely used except for senile dementia- which refers to mental problems in the senior citizen bracket, Alzheimer"s for example. It is interesting both Senile and Dementia are Latin Based- Senile implying age, as in senior, senator- lit. Old Man! and I have already defined dementia. Dementia Praecox is an old-style term for what is now called Schizophrenia, Don"t be a Skeetz!

Is there a DSM-IV online?

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The DSM-IV is not available online for free, as it is copyrighted material. However, you may be able to access it through universities, libraries, or mental health professionals who have a subscription. The American Psychiatric Association has since released newer versions of the DSM, such as the DSM-5, which may be more readily available online.

Joe Jedlowski Are seniors at a greater risk of developing depression?

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Seniors are at a higher risk of developing depression due to factors like health problems, social isolation, and loss of loved ones. It is important for seniors to maintain a strong support system, stay active, and seek professional help if they are experiencing symptoms of depression.

How do you help someone with dementia understand that he or she needs to live in a care facility?

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It can be difficult to help someone with dementia understand the need for a care facility. It's important to approach the conversation with empathy and understanding, validating their feelings while providing clear and simple explanations. Involving a healthcare professional or counselor in the discussion can also be helpful in identifying the best way to communicate and support the person with dementia in this transition.

Why are demented people in fiction portrayed as sociopaths?

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Asked by DominicGuyegp7642

In fiction, demented individuals are sometimes portrayed as sociopaths to create a sense of fear or unpredictability in the story. This portrayal emphasizes the loss of empathy and moral reasoning that can occur with certain types of dementia, but it is not an accurate representation of all individuals with dementia. It is important to remember that dementia can manifest in various ways and each person's experience is unique.

Does the black sacrament work in real life from skyrim?

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No, the Black Sacrament is a fictional ritual from the video game Skyrim. It is not something that has any validity or efficacy in real life.

Is dementia contagious?

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sure feels like it to me. dealing with a parent with dementia who looks ok on the outside but asks the same questions over and over again seems to suck the life out of me and puts my brain into a fog for several days afterwards.

Are women more prone to dementia than men?

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yes we are because of all the stuff we go through.

Why is it important to include a variety of food and drink in the diet of a person with dementia?

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Because it tastes good and people with dementia are not dogs....

Why is memory affected by senile dementia?

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Those are the parts of the brain that get damaged. As a person gets older, they may develop plaques in the blood vessels supplying the brain. Strokes, aneurysms, or other ischemia could damage those areas more directly. They could have Alzheimer's and/or Parkinson's Disease. That would mean that they have amyloid plaques around their neurons or Lewey bodies inside them, and possibly that they are less able to use acetylcholine, serotonin, and/or dopamine.

How does using a individuals care plan contribute to working in a person centred way in a person centred way?

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Implement person centred approaches in Health and Social Care.

Understand person centred approaches for care and support

Person centred values is a theory developed by Carl Rogers that trusted the innate tendency (known as the actualising tendency) of human beings to find fulfilment of their personal potentials. An important part of this theory is that in a particular psychological environment, the fulfilment of personal potentials includes sociability, the need to be with other human beings and a desire to know and be known by other people. It also includes being open to experience, being trusting and trustworthy, being curious about the world and being creative and compassionate.

It is important to work in a way that embeds person centred values so that a person feels free from threat, both physically and psychologically. This environment could be achieved when being in a relationship with a person who was deeply understanding (empathic), accepting (having unconditional positive regard) and genuine (congruent).

Risk taking can be part of a person centred approach as we would choose to use positive and informed risk taking which would involve building a positive view of the individual, and seeking to learn what a persons gifts and skills are and what people admire about them. In person centred thinking we also explore the consequences of not taking the risk so that these may be balanced against the consequences of taking the risk.

Using an individuals care plan contributes to working in a person centred way as this would be constructed by the client with the support of the care worker so that the client has full control over their recovery, instead of the support plan being constructed by the care worker whereby the client feels as if they have no control of their recovery.

Work in a person centred way

In order to find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual I would refer to any previous files held with regards to that person, as well as discussing directly with the client what the preferenes etc. of that person are.

I use person centred values in everyday working as I am an extremely empathic, accepting and congruent person.

Establishing consent when providing care or support

Informed consent is important to establish when providing care or support so that the client is fully aware of their responsibilities, any actions that will be taken and the consequences of either taking or not taking a particular action or decision. In UK case law it has been established that consent must be given by a person with mental ability to do so, sufficient information should be given to the individual and they should not be coerced into giving consent, if these are not met then consent is considered to be invalid.

The process of establishing informed consent will vary according to individuals assessed capacity to consent.

If informed consent can not be readily established then we must abide by the individuals wishes after explaining fully the consequences of not consenting to a certain action. If a person is mentally incapable of providing their consent then we must refer to any care or support plan or legal documentation that may have been established whilst they were capable of making an informed decision. If none of these are available then consent can be given by their next of kin, but we must involve the individual in the process as much as possible. We do however have a 'duty of care' to a person, if the persons health and safety is at an immediate risk then certain actions can be taken in order to prevent any immediate risk to that person.

Encourage active participation

Active participation benefits an individual as it recognises an individuals right to participate in the activities and relationships of everyday life as independently as possible. The individual is regarded as an active participant in their own care and support rather than a passive recipient.

Possible barriers to active participation may include, amongst others, the mental or physical disability of an individual.

Support the individuals right to make choices

I would support an individual to make informed choices by giving the individual full information with regards to the positive and negative effects of any decisions they make and respect their wish to make that decision. I would use agreed risk assessment processes so that the client was fully aware of any risks involved with regards to any decision they make and would also discuss this with my manager. A workers personal view should not influence an individuals choices as everyone is an individual in their own right and and therefore should be able to make their own choices as their interests would be different to a workers. I would support an individual to question or challenge any decision made by others by giving the individual full information with regards to that decision in an unbiased manner, if the individual wanted to make any changes with that decision then I would discuss this with my manager and use agreed risk assessment processes to enable the individual to make those changes.

Promote individuals' well-being

Individual identity and self esteem are linked with well-being as everyone has their own interests and what one person may find interesting another person may not find interesting, for example, if a person is religious and attends church they find that this is part of their identity and promotes their own self esteem as they may feel they are doing their service to God. Another person may not believe in God and find attending church boring, therefore they may feel that they are being pressured into a belief that they disagree with, therefore taking away the psychological identity of an individual. Other aspects relating to well-being may include spiritual, emotional, cultural, social and political.

Attitudes and approaches that are likely to promote an individual's well-being include listening to and treating an individuals decision with respect and enabling them to implement these into the everyday life, after giving the individual all information available in an unbiased manner, for example, if an individual decided that they wanted to attend church then no matter what my own opinions on this matter may be, I would help the individual to attend church and if necessary attend church with them.

Can electric shock therapy cause dementia in later life?

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My mother in law had shock therapy about 16 years ago and now has dementia at 62

What causes frontolobe dementia?

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Frontotemporal dementia, once known as Pick's disease, usually begins between the age of 45 and 65. There is no disease that leads to this condition but is caused by a mutations of genes.

How can you determine if a person has dementia or alzheimer's?

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  1. Your GP is the first person to contact if you have any worries about your health. If your GP suspects dementia, you are likely to be referred to a memory clinic or specialist. Specialists who see dementia patients include old age psychiatrists, geriatricians, neurologists, clinical psychologists and memory nurses.
  2. Your GP is the first person to contact if you have any worries about your health. If your GP suspects dementia, you are likely to be referred to a memory clinic or specialist. Specialists who see dementia patients include old age psychiatrists, geriatricians, neurologists, clinical psychologists and memory nurses.
  3. There is a range of memory tests available, and you might take one or more of these during your assessment. Because dementia usually gets worse over time, the tests may be repeated, perhaps every six to 12 months, to see if there have been any changes.
  4. Other tests, including blood tests and brain scans, could be arranged. Very occasionally, your doctor may arrange an EEG (brain wave test) or a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) if they suspect a rare form of dementia,

How dementia progresses

Alzheimer's, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia are all neurodegenerative diseases. This means that the symptoms get worse over time. This is usually the case with vascular dementia too. The speed of change varies between people and also between different diseases, but in most dementia's, symptoms progress slowly over several years

Everybody is unique and is affected in their own way. As dementia progresses:

Memory and thinking skills

People may find that their ability to remember, think and make decisions worsens.


Communication and language often become more difficult.


A person's behaviour may change and some people can become sad or demoralised.


Anxieties or phobias are quite common.


Changes in time perception may cause problems with sleeping and restlessness at night.


Anger or agitation is common in the later stages of dementia.


It is common for people to be unsteady on their feet and fall more often. Extra help Gradually people require more help with daily activities like dressing, toileting and eating.

Below you find some symptoms

Alzheimer's disease

Typical symptoms of early Alzheimer's include:

Regularly forgetting recent events, names and faces. Becoming increasingly repetitive, e.g. repeating questions after a very short interval. Regularly misplacing items or putting them in odd places. Confusion about the date or time of day. Disorientation, especially away from normal surroundings. Getting lost. Problems finding the right words. Mood or behaviour problems such as apathy, irritability, or losing confidence.

Vascular dementia

Symptoms of vascular dementia can include:

Memory problems. Disorientation. Communication problems. Becoming slower in thinking. Personality changes including depression and apathy. Becoming more emotional. Difficulty with walking. Frequent urge to urinate or other bladder symptoms.

Frontotemporal dementia

Symptoms of FTD can include:

Personality changes. These may include a change in how people express their feelings towards others or a lack of understanding of other people's feelings. Lack of personal awareness, such as personal hygiene and grooming. Lack of social awareness, such as making inappropriate jokes or showing a lack of tact. Over-eating or changes in dietary preference. Behaviour changes, including developing unusual beliefs, interests or obsessions. Difficulty with simple plans and decisions. Lack of awareness of any personality or behaviour changes. Decline in language abilities. This might include difficulty understanding words, repeating commonly-used words and phrases or forgetting the meaning of words. Difficulty recognising people or knowing what objects are for.

Dementia with Lewy bodies

Symptoms of dementia with Lewy bodies can include:

Variation in attention, alertness and confusion. These fluctuations can be very noticeable from day-to-day or even hour-to-hour. Parkinson's-type symptoms, like slowing or difficulty walking, stiffness in the limbs and sometimes tremor. Fainting and falls. Visual hallucinations. These can often involve seeing people or animals that aren't really there. Movements during sleep and vivid dreams. Symptoms similar to Alzheimer's, including memory loss and disorientation.

Is Dementia life threatening?

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Yes, it can be. Dementia can cause an altered perception of reality that can endanger a person's life- such as stepping out into a roadway with moving traffic.

What are the symptoms of lewy body disease?

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Lewy body dementia is characterized by dementia that changes day by day, and hour by hour. Hallucinations are generally common, and they may have strange reactions to some medications. A person showing symptoms of dementia should make an appointment with their primary doctor.

What are Tim kitwoods five psychological needs in dementia?

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Tom Kitwood, suggests that people with dementia, have six psychological needs: attachment, love, comfort, identity, inclusion, and occupation.

How does dementia become alzheimers?

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Dementia does not spread. Much like our brain grows from the time we are born it begins to deteriorate when we get closer to death. Some deteriorate faster than others. This can be genetic or hereditary. Some parts of the brain will deteriorate faster than others. In some cases the motor skills will deteriorate faster leaving the patient with little speaking capabilities, etc... In some cases the reasoning part of the brain will go faster and you will find wanderers and elopement risks. Of course the memory can also go. Some patients won't even remember where they are, who they are, or what they said a few seconds previous and keep repeating the same phrase over and over.

How bad is vascular dementia?

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Asked by Pekababy7751

Vascular dementia is caused when there is a problem in the supply of blood between the heart and the brain. It is because of the clogging of the blood vessel and usually happens after a stroke.